SELECT OBJECT_NAME(id) FROM syscomments WHERE [text] LIKE ‘%foobar%’ AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, ‘IsProcedure’) = 1 GROUP BY OBJECT_NAME(id)
Category Archives: Microsoft
Connecting a Rails app on Windows to SQL Server
(1) For this to work properly, first you need to install the DevKit. Just download the executable from RubyInstaller and run it. For rails 2 choose 3.4.5 version. If it’s installed on C:DevKit, for example, then follow the next steps: cd C:DevKit ruby dk.rb init ruby dk.rb install gem install rdiscount –platform=ruby (2) Install the […]
SharePoint 2010: Configure RDLC report with ReportViewer
SSIS – Passing Variables Between Packages
On the menu bar: SSIS >> Package Configuration …. From the Configuration Type dialog, select “Parent package variable” and go through the wizard to map the Parent package variable to the variable in this Child package